Eileen PA-8-5

I had been in Central City for two weeks, and was rapidly running out of money. There were few jobs open for an unskilled veteran as I had found out by the bitter experience of the past few days. Most prospective em- ployers, while kind, told me in no uncertain terms that I could not hope to get into the job market without a skill to sell. I had no intention of returning to college, which I had left three long years ago, so the only thing left for me was to get some vocational training. I had left the service with some secret determinations and ambitions, but I was in no way sure ofwhat I really wanted.

Still pretty much at a loss, I bought a copy of the Central City Star and turned to the want and technical training ads. Looking with disgust at the shortage of jobs, and with disdain at the opportunities for mechanics and welder trainees, I was about to crumple up the sheet when a small ad at the bottom of the page caught my eye.

Verna Childs Beauty School

"Learn While You Earn"

27 Mine St. Central City

I thought for a moment on some of the resolutions that I had made in the service, and some of my secret childhood desires that had been care- fully tucked away in the back of my mind. I had always admired girls, with their perfect ahri and makeup, and had often wished that I knew more about the mysteries of femininity. Well, why not, it was a job that I would really like and the training at the same time, and I knew that a good hairdresser could make quite a bit of money. I was sure that they would accept me at the school, it was really sometthing to look into!